श्री शान्ती प्रसाद तिवारी शि. सं. इण्टर कॉलेज, बलोहवा, बलरामपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश
Shri Shanti Prasad Tiwari S. S. Inter College, Balohwa, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh was established in the year 1996 and it is managed by the Shri Malkhan Mani Tiwari. The school has an affiliation with Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP). This is for boys and girls both inter-college and has 10 teachers. Hindi is the medium of instruction in this school & the school is from Nursery to Intermediate. This school is approachable by an all-weather road. This school academic session starts in April.
The school has a private building. It has got 20 rooms for instructional purposes with CCTV camera. All the classrooms are in good condition. The school has a separate room for Head master/Teacher. The school has a Pucca boundary wall. The school has had an electric connection. The school has 03 toilets for boys and 08 for girls and it is well functional. The school has a 08 tap point, water tank and RO system where the children get pure drinking water. The school has a playground. All laboratories, libraries and computer facilities are available in the school.
The strength for following our dreams comes from our years of rich experience, pride in producing achievers, and motivation of utilizing education as means to transform society.